Thursday, 13 September 2012

Blogging about unit 2-Game On!

I found this unit to be very challenging, fun and creative. I like the ability to play games to better understand things rather than just reading from a book. The first game I tried was a game where I was a farmer way back when. Very little money to spend, but the challenge is to grow still. This really made each decision I have to make very crucial. Not every time is a good time to buy more land, or bid on cows. It's about buying when the price is right (if possible). If the price is too high, or the profit margin is small, it really forces you to think. The price of everything effects how you can make each decison. It's a very real life situation in this game. Maybe the price of a new outfit you want is just too high, but you need it for an everning out very soon; you have to decide will the price you pay be worth your while. Price effects every decision.

In this game, money is very tight at first. As too are some resources throughout the game; it's a farm. Sometimes crops, land or cows are scarce. That's your money source. You have to mangage... you have very little money and very few cows to sell. You have to choose; it's better to spend the little bit of money I have now since it will be better in the long run. I found the tutorial very helpful; I went through a new tutuorial game a few times. It literally tells you what to do the first couple turns, but more importantly it explains why. This gets your brain thinking and you find yourself totally into the game! Go through the tutorial, remember that cows and crops are an investment... you may not get an immediate return, but eventually you will. Don't bid too high for things either no matter how bad you think you need them. Remember always that the goal is to expand the WORTH of your farm, not the size. Remember these and you could be running a pretty successful farm.

click the link to see what happens when you cross a popular video game with a farming simulator

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